
目前顯示的是 4月, 2016的文章

[詩歌翻譯] Worthy the Lamb

詩歌連結: https://youtu.be/-uf9ghh7et4 Hear the cries of the shackled from the onset of time, 從世界之初就聽見被束縛的哭聲 For the chains of defeat theres no key. 世上沒有解開鎖鏈的鑰匙 See the tears of the broken, the cries of the slaves: 看見破碎的眼淚 奴隸的呼聲 Is there no one worthy to set us free? 難道沒有一人可使我們自由 Then the crying is stilled as the chorus rings out, 當榮耀之聲大響時哭泣止息 The shackled released from their chains. 人從捆鎖中得著釋放 And thousands of voices are swelling the song: 千千萬萬的聲音高聲頌讚 Worthy the Lamb that was slain. 被殺的羔羊配得 Worthy, worthy, 配得 配得 Worthy the Lamb that was slain 被殺的羔羊配得 Worthy, worthy, 配得 配得 Worthy the Lamb that was slain 被殺的羔羊配得 Then all the archangels, the saints of all time, 所有的天使和歷世的聖徒 Holding their crowns in their hands, 手裡拿著榮耀的冠冕 Fall down before Him joining the song: 俯伏在主前並揚聲讚美 Worthy, worthy the Lamb! 配得 配得的羔羊 Worthy, worthy, 配得 配得 Worthy the Lamb that was slain 被殺的羔羊配得 Worthy, worthy, 配得 配得 Worthy the Lamb that was slain 被殺的羔羊配得 Praise Him, praise Him, ...

[詩歌翻譯] Hallelujah Praise the Lamb

詩歌連結: https://youtu.be/lzewtL2spMw From the moment man first disobeyed the Father 當人首次違背父神的時刻起 We were then held captive by our sin 我們被自己的罪所俘虜 The law of God demanded a sacrifice 上帝的律法定義了一個獻祭 Restoring to Himself His own again 要使我們恢復和祂的關係 So the Lamb 神羔羊 His only Son was freely offered 祂的獨生子毫無保留地賜下 Atonement for our sins forever made 為我們做永遠的贖罪 The innocent and holy still God and God only 單純以及聖潔的神 Would ransom and redeems us back again 要將我們再次贖回 Hallelujah Praise the Lamb 哈利路亞歸羔羊 Hallelujah Praise the Lamb 哈利路亞歸羔羊 My heart sings his Praise again 我心不住地讚美 Hallelujah Praise the Lamb 哈利路亞歸羔羊 So to the cross they carried him 他們將祂帶往十架 With all our guilt and all our sin 帶著我們的罪以及愧疚 The lamb of God was slain for our transgressions 神羔羊為了我們的過犯被殺 And on the cross those nail pierced hands 十架上那釘痕的手 Reached up to God and down to man 上達至神並下到人間 And just as if I'd never sinned 就好像我從未犯罪 He took me in his arms 祂將我擁在懷中 Embracing me He willingly forgave 欣然饒恕地...

[詩歌翻譯] My heavenly Father watches over me

詩歌連結: https://youtu.be/h1isX9PAjYU I trust in God wherever I may be 我信靠主 無論在何處 Upon the land or on the stormy sea 在大地上或驚滔駭浪中 Let come what may from day to day 無論每天 發生何事 My heavenly Father watches over me 我天上的父神祂看顧著我 He is a friend that's always near to me 祂是良友 總是在我身旁 He walks with me all through the night and the day 與我同行 經過白天和黑夜 He hears my prayer, He hears me when I pray 聽我禱告 在我祈禱之時 My heavenly Father watches over me 我天上的父神祂看顧著我 I trust in God I know He cares for me 我信靠主 我知祂關心我 On the mountain bleak or on the stormy sea 不論遇慘淡或驚滔駭浪 Tho' billows roll I know He keeps my soul 在風暴中 我知祂保守我靈魂 My heavenly Father watches over me 我天上的父神祂看顧著我 I trust in God I know He cares for me 我信靠主 我知祂關心我 On the mountain bleak or on the stormy sea 不論遇慘淡或驚滔駭浪 Tho' billows roll I know He keeps my soul 在風暴中 我知祂保守我靈魂 My heavenly Father watches over me 我天上的父神祂看顧著我 I trust in God I know He cares for me 我信靠主 我知祂關心我 On the mountain bleak or on the stormy sea 不論遇慘淡...

[詩歌翻譯] Holy Highway

詩歌連結: https://youtu.be/NsrpSM2Fz-s There’s a road called the Holy Highway 有一道路 是聖潔之路 That once was a desert land 曾經是荒漠之地 Very soon you'll hear the sound of a holy marching band 轉眼之間將會聽到聖潔大軍向前行 Everlasting joy upon them 永恆喜樂充滿他們 There’s a remnant strong and true 是強而有力的餘民 We bring the song back to Zion 高唱凱歌歸回錫安 We bring the praise back to You 齊向祢獻上頌讚 We exalt You, God Almighty 齊尊崇祢  全能上帝 You are worthy to be praised 祢配得所有讚美 Let all nations bow before You 萬國萬邦  屈膝跪拜 Holy Ancient of all Days 因祢聖潔的作為 There's a road called the Holy Highway, 有一道路 是聖潔之路 where the people dance and shout. 神百姓跳舞歡欣 For the enemy is running with confusion all about. 上帝之敵  四處潰散  心中充滿了困惑 Raise the banner, sing the victory 揚起旌旗  高唱凱歌 Raise it high, His Word is true 高舉祂  真實話語 We bring the song back to Zion 高唱凱歌歸回錫安 We bring the praise back to You 齊向祢獻上頌讚 We exalt You, God Almighty 齊尊崇祢  全能上帝 You are worthy to be praised 祢配得所有讚美 Let all nati...